Zaporizhzhia, 25-30 June 2018
The Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Ottawa is co-sponsoring the Ninth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine, to be held in Zaporizhzhia on 25-30 June 2018. An initiative of Anna Colin Lebedev, now Assistant Professor at Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre, the Summer School has been held in different Ukrainian cities since its inception – in Uman (2009), Dnipropetrovsk (2010), Ostroh [Rivne Oblast] (2011), Zhytomyr (2012), Mykolaïv (2013), L’viv (2014), Chernivtsi (2015) and Kharkiv (2016). The School is financially supported by the Danyliw Foundation, the Embassy of France in Ukraine, and the LabEx EHNE of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The theme of the 2018 School is “Memories and Legacies of Revolution: Continuity and Disruption, 19th-21st Centuries.”
The School is run like an academic workshop, with between doctoral students presenting their research, with a faculty asking as discussant prior to general discussion. Students and faculties are international – from Central, Eastern and Western Europe, and North America. The School is in Ukraine, but not exclusively on Ukraine, as topics cover the broader area of Central and East European Studies. Students come from a wide gamut of disciplines. In addition to faculty presentations and roundtables, the School features daily academically-oriented excursions, as School participants get to discover a rich corner of Ukraine.
The faculty staff in 2018 is comprised of Anna Colin Lebedev and Ioulia Shukan (U Paris-Ouest Nanterre), François-Xavier Nérard (U Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Sophie Lambroschini (Center Marc Bloch, Germany), Mykhailo Minakov (Europa-U Viadrina Frankfurt, Germany), Alissa Klots (European U in Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Mayhill Fowler (Stetson U, US), Anna Müller (U of Michigan-Dearborn, US), and Dominique Arel (U of Ottawa, Canada).
The 2018 Summer School doctoral students:
Olivia Bowins (Brandeis U, US)
Reclaiming the Nation: History, Memory, and Identity in the Estonian National Awakening (1987)
Tetiana Bulakh (U of Indiana, US)
Humanitarian Aid and Citizenship among IDPs in Ukraine
Julie Deschepper (INALCO, France)
The Fate of Soviet Architecture as Heritage in Russia
Magda Dolinska-Rydzek (Justus-Liebig U, Germany)
The Antichrist in Post-Soviet Russia: Transformations of an Ideomyth
Denys Gorbach (Sciences Po, France)
Populist Mobilization and Claim-Making in Post-Maidan Ukraine
Hanna Josticova (U of Birmingham, UK)
Politics of Contention and Identity: The Case of Mariupol
Virginie Lasnier (U of Montreal, Canada)
Demobilization Effects: From the Orange Revolution to the Euromaidan
Natalia Neshevets (U Kyïv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine)
New Sacred Architecture in Kyiv, 1990s-2010s
Natalia Ostrishchenko (Center for Urban History, Ukraine)
“The Same Hands”: Urban Experts in Lviv, 1977-2017
Anastasia Papushina (Central European U, Hungary)
Celebrating the Dead in Early Soviet Russia (1917-1924):
Instrumentalization of Death, Memory, and History
Hanna Paulouskaya (U of Warsaw, Poland)
The Place of the Classics of Antiquity in Soviet Revolutionary Youth Culture
Timofey Rakov (European U in Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
The Cult of the City: Leningrad as the “City of Revolution”
Maria Rastvovora (Shevchenko National U, Ukraine)
Reality vs Memory: Who Will Take the Place of Lenin?
Anna Whittington (U of Michigan-Ann Arbor, US)
Looking Back, Looking Ahead:
Celebrating the October Revolution under Khrushchev and Brezhnev
Oleg Zhuravlev (U of Tyumen, Russia)
Euromaidan As An Example of Political Positivism